On Deck: Community Capital Live & More
THIS WEDNESDAY: Havell Rodrigues, CEO and Managing Partner of New Majority Capital
This is the first edition of a new feature for all Main Street Journal subscribers. Every week (give or take), we will send out a roster of events that might interest the local investment community. We will share what’s coming next in our Community Capital Live series, as well as a digest of upcoming Local Investment and Partner Events you don’t want to miss!
If you want your event featured, contact Jen today!
Community Capital Live Series
The Main Street Journal co-sponsors an interview with an innovative community capital initiative twice a month. The goal is to highlight new possibilities for your own community. You can participate in the live event (for free) or watch our recordings.
New Majority Capital: Wednesday, January 15, 2 pm ET
With Havell Rodrigues, CEO and Managing Partner of New Majority Capital. NMC is working on creating a better financial future by increasing the number of underrepresented business owners.
New Jersey Community Capital: Wednesday, January 29, 2 pm ET
Featuring Bernel Hall, President and CEO of New Jersey Community Capital. NJCC is guided by a comprehensive and holistic approach to neighborhood revitalization that expands opportunities, builds upon existing community assets, improves individual and community health and well-being, and promotes economic growth to ensure that underserved communities thrive.
Local Investment & Partner Events
States and the Future of Antitrust - Virtual Event: January 15
RootsCamp - In-Person Event (Linthicum Heights, MD): February 6 - 8
Making Procurement a Priority: Policies for Strong Local Economies - Virtual Event: February 13, at 1 pm ET
Changing the Paradigm: Mobilizing Community Investment Funds - In-Person Event (East Lansing, MI): March 7 - Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon
Igniting Community Capital to Build Outdoor Recreation Communities - Virtual Course: Starts March 20 - Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon
Neighborhood Economics: A Deep Dive into Local Entrepreneurship - In-Person Event (Asheville, NC): April 1 - 2